What a long strange year it has been! I think we are all happy to say good bye to 2020. It did start off well with a Raja Ampat trip over the holidays, an epic expedition to Antarctica and awesome manta love in Socorro. And despite Covid, we managed several great trips to Mexico, checked out a couple of new, to us, operators and ended the year with a fantastic 10 day Galapagos trip.

However, like the rest of the world, there is no doubt that we are looking forward to a better 2021. The vaccine has generated a great deal of hope though it is important to remember those still on the front lines fighting this pandemic. So please keep them in your thoughts: the healthcare workers fighting the good fight every day as well as those working hard to keep us connected, fed and educated under very challenging circumstances.
The travel situation is certainly dynamic still with border restrictions, Covid testing requirements and flight availabilities changing on a daily basis. We have all had to learn to be more patient and flexible as we adapt to this new world. As a result, we have had to reschedule many trips, but we have also added new destinations or new dates to old favorites that are possible and safe for us to travel to. Since we have had to push so many trips into 2022 or 2023, it is likely these destinations will not be offered again until 2023, if then, so don’t wait to jump on these opportunities:

CUBA’S Garden of the Queens marine protected area is the most beautiful spot in the Caribbean. Protected for over twenty years, it is a testament to the benefits of protecting our environment. With pristine reefs, lush coral and more grouper and sharks than you have ever seen in the region, there is something for everyone. We will be on the Jardines Aggressor II in the central section of the island archipelago for 7 days. And don’t miss some time on land! We also have a 3 night program in Havana.
March 13-20, 2021. ONLY 4 spots left!!! With the land portion being March 10-13, 2021.
MALDIVES is a magical group of islands home to mantas, whale sharks, turtles, octopus, large schools of fish, beautiful anemones and clownfish, healthy hard and soft corals, and enough variety and quantity of marine life to rival any place in the world. Paul began traveling there over 25 years ago and loves going back to the Manthiri with the most experienced crew in the Maldives. Moosa, our main dive guide and tour director, is a legend in the Maldives with over 11,000 dives there. No one knows it better! With only 12 people aboard, you are guaranteed personalized attention and limited divers underwater.
March 18-27, 2021. ONLY 4 spots left!!!

ST. LUCIA in ANSE CHASTANET This is a wonderful trip for divers and non-divers alike. There is great diving within minutes of the resort and even off the shore plus plenty of non-diving activities for everyone to enjoy. And of course, everyone will appreciate the relaxation among the incredible scenery of St. Lucia and the luxury resort Anse Chastanet. The island is certified as a Level One destination by the CDC which is the safest rating.
May 8-15, 2021
MOBULA MIGRATION – SEA OF CORTEZ: May and June are the prime times for witnessing an incredible migration of mobula rays. Our local guides have tons of experiencing finding these roaming schools as well as the animals that predate on them such as orcas. This trip will include SCUBA diving and free diving so be prepared for both activities depending on the conditions and animal action. With only 12 people on the spacious Nautilus Gallant Lady, you can enjoy all the advantages of liveaboards without crowds! We will have definite dates by Jan 1. Trip will be 5 nights and 6 days on the luxurious Gallant Lady.
MAY 31- JUNE 5, 2021

SHETLAND ISLANDS AND BASKING SHARKS: Come join us onboard the m/v Valhalla on a rebreather friendly liveaboard diving the Shetland Islands followed by three days snorkeling with one of the largest sharks in the world, Basking Sharks! The Shetland Islands are a wreck divers dream. Life on the wrecks is stunning with loads of fish, anemones, and nudibranches and the average visibility can range from 10m – 25m which is pretty amazing in these cool green waters! The wrecks are remarkably untouched and vary in depths for recreational and technical dives. The Shetlands have everything from historic wrecks to modern trawlers. Cetaceans are common here, and we will often be joined by minkes, orcas, porpoises and dolphins on our journey! We will then travel to Oban for our next adventure with the basking sharks. This is one of the biggest hotspots in the world to see them! Basking sharks typically range from 20 – 26 feet long, but no worries, they eat plankton and are harmless!
JUNE 19 – JULY 1, 2021. ONLY 6 spots left!
New stuff to check out!!!
Faith was recently interviewed by Tec Clark as part of his podcast series called: League of Extraordinary Divers! Check it out here!! We think you will enjoy it!
Please check out our website for the most recent updates as well as new additions as we adapt to the Covid world. There are plenty of exciting expeditions planned for 2021 and 2022.
We wish you all happiness, peace, good health and adventure in the following year and always. Let’s get ready to travel and dive again! After all as Ernest Shackleton once said:
“It is in our nature to explore, to reach out into the unknown.
The only true failure would be not to explore at all.”
Or as our good friend and fellow adventurer, Sally Wahrmann, would say:
“That was fun! Let’s do it again!”
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Faith and Paul